terça-feira, abril 19, 2005

Thomas Droleskey e os trabalhos do novo Papa

Thomas Droleskey, um dos mais proeminentes católicos tradicionais norte-americanos, presidente do conselho directivo do "Christ the King College", responsável pela página "Christ or Chaos", autor do interessantíssimo "Christ in the Voting Booth", e prolífico colaborador de espaços como "Daily Catholic" ou "Seattle Catholic" escreveu, em Novembro de 2003, um artigo fundamental intitulado "What would Leo XIV say?", cujo conteúdo é inteiramente oportuno recordar, nesta altura em que se encontra a decorrer o Conclave:

Aqui se transcreve o extracto mais significativo desse artigo, onde Droleskey expõe a linha de acção que se espera de um Papa verdadeiramente defensor da tradição católica, queira Deus aquela que venha a ser adoptada já pelo sucessor de João Paulo II:

"Personally, I pray for the day when a Vicar of Christ will say the following upon his accession to the Throne of Saint Peter:

"We ascend to the Throne of Saint Peter in perilous times. We have taken the name Leo to honor the Pope who had a vision during the offering of Holy Mass of the Devil having his way with the Church for about a hundred years. Pope Leo XIII composed both the long and short forms of the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer, inserting the shorter form into the Missal to be recited aloud by both the priest and the people following the reading of the Last Gospel after the conclusion of Low Mass. It is time for Us to admit that the Devil has indeed had his way with the Church for long enough. It is time to put an end to the influences that have devastated the Catholic Faith, destroyed belief in the Real Presence, profaned the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, relegated the Immemorial Mass of Tradition to a near outlaw status, abandoned truths contained in the Deposit of Faith, reaffirmed heretics and schismatics and pagans in false religions, embraced the Modernist rejection of the Social Reign of Christ the King in favor of a 'civilization of love,' and produced unparalleled chaos in the life of the Church and hence the world. It is time to return to the twin foundations of Tradition and Truth as the basis of the Catholic Faith, starting with the restoration of Traditional Latin Mass as the basis of Catholic worship and teaching.

"The revolution that was imposed upon the Catholic Faith by those in ecclesiastical authority had many roots. In essence, however, the very Modernism condemned by Our glorious Predecessor, Pope Saint Pius X, insinuated itself pridefully in the hearts and the souls of popes and cardinals and bishops and priests. Having insinuated itself in the shepherds, it was thus very easy for the Adversary to win over most of the Catholic faithful, many of whom believed that their shepherds would never lead them astray. The prophecies of La Sallette and Anne Katherine Emmerich and others about these bad shepherds were ignored. Our Lady's own Fatima requests, which We intend to fulfill at Our earliest opportunity, were deconstructed of their plain meaning so as to avoid offending powerful countries and the false currents of modernity. The result has been a Catholic world in which most baptized Catholics do not seek to root out sin from their lives nor aspire to the highest levels of sanctity by means of cooperating with the graces won for us on Calvary by the shedding of the Most Precious Blood of Our Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and by relying upon the intercession of the Blessed Mother and all of the other saints and angels. This must stop.

"Therefore, We hereby decree the following:

"One, the Immemorial Mass of Tradition is hereby restored as normative in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church. We affirm that Our sainted Predecessor, Pope Saint Pius V, issued in Quo Primum a perpetually binding decree that gives every priest in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church the absolute right to offer Mass according to the Missal he promulgated in 1570. The Mass of Tradition can never be abrogated. Nothing that any of Our immediate Predecessors has done has in fact abrogated it. No bishop has any authority to command that a priest not offer Mass according to the Missale Romanum issued by Pope Saint Pius V. Any bishop who attempts to do so will be deposed by Us without any appeal to Our plenipotentiary authority. We hereby apologize to those who have been dealt with unjustly for their fidelity to Tradition, starting with the Society of Pope Saint Pius X and all other priests who have seen it as their duty, while recognizing the primacy of the See of Peter and the legitimacy of its occupant, to offer the Mass of Tradition to the faithful in what has been considered heretofore irregular canonical situations. We will use their good offices to help effect what will be a long and most likely painful transition back to Tradition. We are willing to run the risk of formal schism on the part of those committed to the errors of the recent past in order to protect the flock from the contagion that has produced so much destruction for souls and thus the right ordering of things in the world to the Social Reign of Christ the King through His true Church.

"Two, any diocesan ordinary or auxiliary bishop who is unwilling to comply immediately with our affirmation of Quo Primum will be required to resign posthaste. We know of very fit candidates to replace bishops who have participated in the crushing of Tradition and who have presided over the destruction of the Faith. We can no longer tolerate a situation where men in ecclesiastical authority misuse their power to discipline Catholics faithful to Tradition and Truth while rewarding those who put into question articles contained in the Deposit of Faith and look the other way at the degradation of the Sacred Mysteries of the altar. All previous conditions imposed on the attendance of the Mass of Tradition are hereby repealed and denounced as unjust and invalid. In the words of those who fomented the revolution, 'We're beyond that now.'

"Three, We hereby cease any and all efforts to effect a false unification with actual schismatics, heretics and other unbelievers. We affirm the truths contained in Pope Pius XI's Mortalium Animos as the foundation of fostering true religious unity. We condemn as revolutionary and counter to the Syllabus of Errors and Mortalium Animos the approaches of the recent past, which have reaffirmed people in false religions and currents, leading Catholics to believe that they do not have the obligation to bring everyone into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope. We will restore the authentic of all Catholic shrines and churches which have been redesigned to accommodate the beliefs of those who adhere to false religions and/or paganism.

"Four, although a more thorough review of the recent past will follow shortly, We reaffirm the binding nature of Quas Primas as the foundation of converting nations to the Social Reign of Christ the King. Documents of the recent past that have distanced the Church from the unbroken patrimony that had never been placed in doubt prior to 1958 are hereby denounced and rejected as having been harmful to the faithful and to the rights of God as exercised by Holy Mother Church. In this regard, We will be issuing shortly formal decrees of excommunication against every Catholic in public life who supports the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, including abortion and sodomy. We will no longer tolerate the farce of baptized and confirmed members of the Catholic Church supporting these and other evils.

"Finally, relying upon the patronage of the Mother of God, Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and all of the angels of saints, We pledge Ourselves in Our pontificate to the proclamation of the truths received by the Apostles from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and handed down to us by them under the protection of the Holy Ghost without fear of criticism by Jews, Muslims, Protestants, members of all other false religions, public officials, or members of the true flock of Christ. We must fulfill with the same zeal and fidelity of the Apostles the charge Our Lord gave to the Eleven as He Ascended to the Father's right hand in glory: to teach everything He has revealed to all men everywhere so that every person on the face of this earth will be baptized in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost be incorporated as a member of the one, true Church of Christ that is the Catholic Church.
"Given at Rome, sometime in the twenty-first century (or thereafter), Leo XIV, Pont. Max."

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